Elm Street Bridge Work Area Reminder

The safety of the traveling public is of utmost importance. PennDOT and its contractor have been working closely to ensure a safe working environment for everyone. Local authorities have also been assisting in keeping the traveling public, especially pedestrians, clear of the work zone. The work zone is currently demarcated by barriers, fencing, vertical panels, and signage.

As work progresses over the next few months, the existing structural backfill will be removed, resulting in large vertical drop-offs. Due to the size and depth of the planned excavation, there will be an increased hazard to anyone trespassing within the work zone.

PennDOT’s contractor will install additional safety measures to protect the area. However, it is crucial that pedestrians and the traveling public avoid the construction work zone at all times. Avoiding the work zone and following the posted traffic and pedestrian detours are in everyone’s best interest.