Southbound Side of New Markley Street Bridge Under Construction
April 12, 2021 – Construction is underway this spring to complete improvements to the northbound side of Markley Street (U.S. 202 South) between Marshall and Elm streets and to remove and replace the southbound side of the Markley Street bridge over Stony Creek with a new span.
Construction of the new northbound bridge finished earlier this year along with reconstruction of the northbound Markley Street (U.S. 202 South) pavement between Main Street and the bridge.

North of Marshall Street, removal of the existing northbound roadway is underway this spring along with relocation and installation of additional sub-surface utilities. At the completion of utility work, the remainder of the new northbound roadway will be constructed up to Elm Street.
Reconstruction of the northbound pavement will be completed in coordination with repairs to the stone arch bridge that crosses Markley Street (U.S. 202 South) diagonally through the intersection with Elm Street. Work on the Elm Street bridge and the intersection with Markley Street (U.S. 202 South) is expected to be underway in mid-2021. (Image right: Northbound road reconstruction between Marshall and Elm streets.)
Utilities will be relocating telephone poles and overhead cables at the Elm Street intersection and also along the southbound side of Markley Street (U.S. 202 South). Highway lighting, curbs, and sidewalks will be installed on the northbound side of Markley Street (U.S. 202 South) from the bridge up to Elm Street.
When that work finishes in early summer, southbound traffic will be shifted to the new northbound pavement, freeing the southbound side of Markley Street (U.S. 202 South) for reconstruction.
Work is projected to start later in 2021 to improve the intersection of Markley Street (U.S. 202 South) and Main Street, including widening Main Street between Water Street and Barbadoes Street, starting on the north side, then moving to the south side, and finishing with the middle section.

An additional contract to connect Lafayette Street, east of Markley Street (U.S. 202 South), with Washington Street, on the west side of Markley Street (U.S. 202 South), is expected to get underway this summer following a spring contract letting. This new Barbadoes Street Connection will allow Main Street motorists to access Washington Street and Water Street from the east side of Markley Street (U.S. 202 South), improving traffic movement through the busy intersection or Markley (U.S. 202 South) and Main streets by eliminating the existing left turn from westbound Main Street onto Water Street.

Work on this project is being done in accordance with Centers for Disease Control and state Department of Health guidance as well as a project-specific COVID-19 safety plan, which will include protocols for social distancing, use of face coverings, personal and job-site cleaning protocols, management of entries to the jobsite, special signage and relevant training.

Markley Street (U.S. 202 South) is closed to northbound traffic between Main Street and Elm Street during construction. Northbound U.S. 202 motorists heading to Markley Street (U.S. 202 South) are being detoured north on DeKalb Street (U.S. 202 North) in Bridgeport Borough to Johnson Highway in Norristown. Northbound motorists using the Dannehower Bridge will be required to turn east or west on Main Street in Norristown for the duration of construction.
Alan Myers, LP, of Worcester, Montgomery County is the general contractor on the $23,925,515 project which is financed with 80 percent federal and 20 percent state funds. The entire project is expected to be completed in 2023.